Monthly Archives: October 2011

Rossendale’s,Marston’s legal criminals

The weight of evidence against the bailiff industry is staggering yet according to Marston’s own publicity, it is doing a good job and they are prospering.

Not a mention of the innocent victims.

Even worse; provide the council with evidence of wrong doing and you become the pariah. Blackpool’s new council leader Simon “donkey walloper” Blackburn follows the labour MP into ignoring all mail from constituents with dissenting voice.

Tonight you get a rare opportunity to act as jurors as Pip Clothier puts the bailiff system under the microscope. Exposure, 1035 ITV.

Amplify’d from

Councils rely on ‘bullying’ bailiffs

If a debtor is not at home, the bailiff leaves a letter with the time and date of the visit Photo: ALAMY

A bailiff at Rossendales, a debt collection firm that works for almost 150
councils, repeatedly broke the guidelines covering bailiffs.

John Boast, senior bailiff, broke several guidelines, while supposedly
“training” an undercover reporter.

The covert filming in ITV1’s Exposure: Bailiffs, which airs tonight, will
raise concern about regulation. The industry follows voluntary guidelines.

When bailiffs make visits, the cost of the visits are added to the bills.

Although bailiffs are not supposed to approach people at anti-social times, Mr
Boast said that he often visited houses at night and on Sundays.



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Old Wigan Bootneck on the Rant. Dennis Shambley

If you want a translation, it is in Lancashire, true Wigan.
That badge gives this Old Fart the right to rant as much as he wishes.

One fact that MP’s will never consider, at least I spent many rounds in the ring with Dennis.  Liebers Lancashire MP’s won’t even attempt a verbal joust.  They get insulted when you talk the truth with a real Lancashire accent.  try to get justice and equality for English, Scot, Welsh and Ulster veterans and you are talking sedition.  Try to deny a welfare scrounger access to our pensions and they threaten you with the Race Relations Act.


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Victims getting louder.

This story has been covered in The Times and is worth keeping in MIND.

Ms Meredith at least has had assistance from her MP, which is more than can be said for the harmonious chorus of silence from the Lancashire labour troubadours.

They can all sing from the same songsheet when it comes to making political huff, but when it takes decency and morals to stand up for the poorest and weakest within their sanction, they do a Guy Fawkes and go up in smoke.

It’s about time we copied the metaphor and get Oliver to march again into the chamber of Parliament at the head of the English Army.

Amplify’d from

Debt collectors’ mind games blasted

Mind games used by aggressive debt collectors can cause suicidal feelings and have a “devastating” effect on mental health, a charity has warned.
Reports of bailiffs forcing their way into homes and intimidating children have raised serious concerns among campaigners.
They are now calling on the Government to step up public protection and introduce more robust regulation of the industry.
A study by mental health charity Mind found 80% of those visited by enforcement agents had experienced threatening behaviour.
According to the survey, 50% of people who received an unwelcome knock on the door said it left them feeling suicidal.
Meanwhile 96% reported increased levels of anxiety and 87% reported increased depression.
The poll, of 453 adults, found one in 10 was being pursued for debts of under £100 while 70% were charged excessive fees.
Sian Meredith, who bought a new house and was then chased for the previous owner’s unpaid parking fines, said she was called a liar when she tried to reason with bailiffs.
The 50-year-old accountant told The Times: “It’s so scary – they threaten to burgle your house, to clamp your car, and it is horrible knowing they could just turn up at any time.
“They rely on bullying, intimidation and people not understanding the law… I received a demand for final payment within 48 hours, sent second-class, so I didn’t even receive it in time.”



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Is there a growing conspiracy? We hope so

Not a lone battle, after all!
The only one’s not looking or listening are the MP’s and this criminal company.
This firm of bailiffs have been instructed to collect child maintenance arrears after liability orders have been granted by the Magistrates courts. As we have discovered the courts are not an authority they are a company who use so called Magistrates who breach their oaths of office every day in order to rake in more revenue for the company trading as the Government. Once the illegal liability orders have been granted the courts or the CSA then send in Marston’s bailiffs to collect the money.
 Having heard the stories about Marston’s we decided to investigate this company to find out what they are about and we were quite amazed at what we found.
 Marston’s claim that “ WE ARE DOING THE RIGHT THINGS AND SEEKING TO DO THEM IN THE RIGHT WAY” obviously they need to have a word with a few of their employees as they are NOT doing the right things the right way. They claim to be the leading provider for High Court and Civil Enforcement Services throughout the United Kingdom, I wonder why they changed their name a few years ago then, and besides once they are served with the Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access then their power is taken away from them, once our members served them with this notice they and the courts are powerless to do anything to you.


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The Rules the Government ignore

What Is Corporate Manslaughter?

Prior to 6 April 2008, it was possible for a corporate entity, such as a company, to be prosecuted for a wide range of criminal offences, including the common law offence of gross negligence manslaughter. However, in order for the company to be guilty of the offence, it was also necessary for a senior individual who could be said to embody the company (also known as a ‘controlling mind’) to be guilty of the offence. This was known as the identification principle.
On the 6 April 2008, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (CMCHA) came into force throughout the UK. In England and Wales and Northern Ireland, the new offence is called corporate manslaughter, and in Scotland it is called corporate homicide.
The provisions in the Act which relate to deaths which occur in custody will be brought into force on 1 September 2011.  There is further information on these provisions later in this guidance. 
Where any of the conduct or events alleged to constitute the offence occurred before 6 April 2008, the pre-existing common law will apply. Therefore, the Act will only apply to deaths where the conduct or harm, leading to the death, occurs on or after 6 April.  Therefore if the breach of duty is alleged to have occurred before 6 April 2008, for example where a building has been defectively wired or a person has been exposed to asbestos many years ago, the common law applies.
Individuals will not be able to bring a private prosecution for the new offence without the consent of the DPP (section 17).  This is unlike the position with allegations of gross negligence manslaughter against individuals where no such consent is required.  See below for further information regarding consent.
The offence was created to provide a means of accountability for very serious management failings across the organisation. The original intention was to overcome the problems at common law of ‘identification’ and ‘aggregation’ (the prosecution could not aggregate the failings of a number of individuals) in relation to incorporated bodies. The offence is now considerably wider in scope than simply overcoming these two problems and it now includes liability for organisations which could never previously be prosecuted for manslaughter (See The Organisation below).
The new offence is intended to work in conjunction with other forms of accountability such as gross negligent manslaughter for individuals and other health and safety legislation.

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Exposure ITV tomorrow

2 Days to ITV’s 

                                         2235 hours  
                                                    Monday, 31st October 2011

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Ban Loan Sharks now

Stella Creasy should be applauded for her stand. Pity is we in the North can’t find an MP with her balls. :)   She must have done something to alienate Blackpool MP Gordon Marsden because he is not a signatory to the cause; perhaps he likes the poor to get poorer?  He doesn’t give a shit about pensioners getting killed…

The shame is that she, by default, could get herself accused of being an ally to the illicit actions of the Ministry of Injustice and its SkullCrushers, the bailiffs.  For those with short memories, Ms Creasy addressed the league of Pension Killers at the Tower Hotel, next to the original one much love by Lizzie I.

Amplify’d from
Parliament UK


That this House believes that the Government should end legal loan sharking by capping the cost of credit for the whole sector, not just for credit and store cards, and provide alternative affordable sources of credit through the Post Office network, local credit unions, community development financial institutions, co-operatives and mutuals; acknowledges that the UK’s poorest borrowers pay the highest price for credit in Europe; further acknowledges that up to 16,000 of excess profit is made every hour from the sector and that this is extracting wealth from the poorest communities; and is concerned that the Office of Fair Trading’s recommendations, including industry codes of practice and financial education, won’t work effectively to reduce prices for consumers.


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Telegraph driving debate

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Killers get names

So now we learn the name of the man the police should charge with Corporate Homicide.

What are the chances of them doing it? About as good as…..

Amplify’d from

Online news: Marston directors made HCEOs 27 October 2010

Gareth Hughes, deputy chief executive of Marston Group and Paul Caddy, group operations director, have been appointed as High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs).
Hughes and Caddy are the first appointments for some years and are the culmination of a two-year authorisation process, encompassing all areas of enforcement law and best practice.

The total number of authorised HCEOs is now 68.

HCEOs execute the judgments and orders of the High Court and county courts of England and Wales.

HCEOs are authorised personally by the Lord Chancellor, or his designated person, pursuant to paragraph 2 (1) of schedule 7 of the Courts Act 2003 and Regulation 6 of the High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations 2004.

Hughes and Caddy have been assigned all districts for the enforcement of writs of execution, as set out in schedule 1 of the High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations.



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Bailiffs now doing Police work?

Marston Group working together with the Greater Manchester Police
Marston Group is pleased to work in partnership with the Greater Manchester (GM) Police service and other enforcement agencies to provide a cross cutting, focussed approach to address individuals who ignore or flout the law (criminal and civil).
As sole provider for four court regions, Marston Group executes 70% of the Magistrate’s Court warrants (distress and arrest) in England and Wales. As a result, our Certificated Enforcement Agents role in the new partnership will focus on enforcing warrants issued for non payment of motoring and other vehicle related offences imposed by the police.
Operation Hydrofoil will involve 23 Enforcement Agents deployed across Wigan, Rochdale, Tameside and Salford to target a range of Magistrates’ Court warrants – including those resulting from assault or other violent crimes. Where the defendants are known to be potentially violent, police officers will accompany our agents to prevent a breach of the peace.
A further 6 Enforcement Agents will work alongside specialist police teams using our sophisticated Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) equipment. This will identify vehicles that are on the roads unlawfully, are of interest to the police and/or have other matters outstanding. On a recent operation, an individual wanted for assault was stopped and arrested due to unpaid traffic penalties relating to the vehicle.
These operations provide reassurance to law abiding citizens. It is the GM Police’s objective to reduce crime and improve safety within communities

This statement must not go unchallenged.  We pay taxes for a police force to administer the Queen’s law and to enforce it where illegal activity occurs.  When Marston’s released its rabid dog on a 78 year old, critically ill pensioner they lost all right to make any claim to be an asset to law enforcement in this country.  They may yet get themselves charged as they betrayed every moral and legal obligation under a duty of care to Mr Miller.  While the police, as in the case of Ian Tomlinson, refuse to accept their liability it will be left to a brave few to show them that English law must be obeyed by them as well as by us.


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